Generating Reports - Online

Torrey Rawlings Updated by Torrey Rawlings

ContentsTrack offers a variety of reports that can be generated to meet the needs of adjusters, homeowners, policyholders, or internal teams. Each report is tailored for a specific purpose, allowing you to share comprehensive job details efficiently.

Report Options

Customer Report

  • Provides a summary of the job, including all rooms, items, and boxes (full inventory).
  • Designed for sharing directly with customers.

Signed Reports

  • Displays signed reports and authorizations from customers uploaded to the online instance.
Authorizations and reports can be signed via the mobile app. See Collecting Authorization Signatures and Reports - Mobile for more details on this.

Inventory Report

  • Lists all inventory items for a selected job in a space-efficient layout.
  • Ideal for internal use.
  • Optionally, you can group items by condition code using the Total by Condition feature.

Category Details Report

  • Summarizes the total number of items/boxes by Category or Selector codes.
  • Useful for internal comparisons with Xactimate item inventories.

Images Report

  • Displays job-related images grouped by room.
  • Additional details (such as image name, taken by, date, comments, and item ID) can be included if you opt for four images per page.

How to Generate a Report

  1. Open the job you want to generate a report for and navigate to the Reports tab.
  2. Select the desired report from the menu.
  3. Choose the following options:
    • Company Header: Add your company logo or branding.
    • Model Statement: Add a standard statement to your report.
    • Orientation: Choose between portrait or landscape layout.
  4. Apply filters to customize the report:
    • Item Status: Include specific statuses like Clean, Questionable, Replace, or Storage.
    • Condition Codes: Select which condition codes to include or leave the filter at <NONE> to include all conditions.
  5. Customize the report content by selecting checkboxes for:
    • Cover sheet
    • Job summary
    • Room summary
    • Item details
    • Internal notes
  6. Use the Report Comments field to add any additional notes for the report.

Tip: The preview pane updates automatically as you make your selections, allowing you to review changes in real time.

  1. Click Generate Report to create the document.
  2. Click Download Report to open the report as a PDF in a new tab, where you can save or print it.

With these reporting tools, ContentsTrack ensures you can effectively communicate job details to all relevant parties.

How Did We Do?

Exporting Inventory and Photos
