Connecting ContentsTrack to ClaimXperience

Torrey Rawlings Updated by Torrey Rawlings

Seamless Integration with ClaimXperience via ContentsTrack

ContentsTrack integrates effortlessly with ClaimXperience, enabling you to share inventory data with claim holders or homeowners. This allows them to view their items and request returns as needed.

Exporting a Job to ClaimXperience

  1. Log in to ContentsTrack Online and select the desired job.
  2. Navigate to the Inventory tab and click Customer Portal.
  3. If connected to multiple ClaimXperience companies, choose the appropriate company for the project.
  4. Choose whether to invite the policyholder immediately and select the invitation method. Invitations can also be sent later via the ClaimXperience portal.
  5. Ensure no existing ClaimXperience project has the same claim number and policyholder. If one exists, request team member access.
  6. If your ContentsTrack account is not configured in ClaimXperience, you’ll be prompted to complete the setup.

Customer Item Requests

Claim holders can log in to ClaimXperience to request specific items for return. These requests are flagged with a truck icon in ContentsTrack and appear in the following locations:

  • Jobs page
  • Inventory page
  • Edit Item page (via the "Customer Requested" checkbox)

Marking Items as Returned

To indicate an item has been returned to the customer:

  1. Update the item's location to Customer Site using one of the following methods:
    • Within the job inventory
    • Through the Tracking tab
    • On your mobile device

Removing the Customer Requested Icon

If you need to clear the Customer Requested icon without altering the item's location:

  1. Edit the item in the Job Inventory.
  2. Uncheck the Customer Requested box.
  3. Click Save to finalize changes.


What happens if an item is updated in ContentsTrack after exporting to ClaimXperience?
Updates in ContentsTrack reflect in ClaimXperience, except for items marked "Replace." If their status is changed from "Replace," they will appear as additional items in "Cleaned" or "Stored."
Why do locations differ between ClaimXperience and ContentsTrack?
ClaimXperience simplifies locations to either Customer Site or the company name, indicating custody.
Do customer messages transfer from ClaimXperience to ContentsTrack?
No, only customer item requests transfer to ContentsTrack.
Where can I get help with ClaimXperience?
For additional guidance, visit the ClaimXperience Help Docs.

How Did We Do?

Export an inventory to Xactimate and XactContents
