Printing Packaging Labels

Updated by Torrey Rawlings

ContentsTrack allows you to print packaging labels to help categorize items in their boxes and keep track of them when moving to different locations. Packaging organizes items by bagging or boxing them together and assigns labels for tracking.

Packaging Labels in ContentsTrack

Packaging labels are designed to show what is inside a specific package. Each item must be manually added, and a location must be selected. Once a label is generated, all included items will have their location updated to the selected location.

How to Print Packaging Labels:

  1. Navigate to the Packaging Tab.
  2. Select a Location for the items.
  3. Choose Your Desired Label Type.
  4. Begin Entering or Scanning Item IDs to include them in the package.
  5. Select the Cell where the label will be printed.
  6. Click 'Package' to generate a downloadable label that can be printed.
After generating a label, the items will show the packaging ID as their new box ID, and their location will be updated to the selected location.

Reprinting Packaging Labels

If you need to replace a damaged label or update a label after adding more items to a package, you can reprint the packaging label.

  1. Navigate to the Packaging Tab.
  2. Click on History.
  3. Select the Label you want to reprint.
  4. Click 'Package' to generate a downloadable label for printing.

Packaging Label Details

Each packaging label includes:

  • Barcode/QR Code
  • Job Name
  • Customer Name
  • Room (shows as <Multi> if multiple rooms)
  • Number of Items in the package
  • Date/Time Stamp
  • Packaging Number
  • Item IDs
  • Item Descriptions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can more than one label be printed at a time?
Currently, no. Only one label can be printed at a time. The starting cell determines the print location.
Will the location of the items be updated?
Yes, the location of items will be updated to the selected location after printing the label.
Will the box ID on my item be updated?
Yes, the packaging label ID will become the new box ID for the items included in the package.
Can I add additional items after printing the packaging label?
Yes, you can manually update an item’s box ID after the label is printed to include it in the package. If you'd like to print a new label with the updated items, use the 'History' function as described in the "Reprinting Packaging Labels" section.

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