14-Sending to Xactimate online (1:59)

This video is outdated and will be replaced with updated versions in 2025. For the most current information, please refer to the help documents.

See the following document for the most updated information - Export an Inventory to Xactimate and XactContents

After you create an inventory in ContentsTrack, you may need to send it to Xactimate. In this video, we explain how to upload an inventory to Xactimate and match it with an existing price list.

To send inventory to the new Xactimate online, follow the same steps in ContentsTrack that are shown in the video. After you send the inventory to an XactNet address, and the recipient logs into the new Xactimate online, a notification appears in the Projects page. No further syncing is necessary. 

If inventory items had CAT/SEL data entered for them in ContentsTrack, Xactimate automatically populates pricing information for them. Otherwise, pricing data needs to be entered manually. 

How Did We Do?

13-Customer Portal (4:24)

15-Reports and Analytics (4:16)
