Collecting Authorization Signatures

Torrey Rawlings Updated by Torrey Rawlings

The ContentsTrack mobile app makes it easy to obtain client signatures for authorizations directly on-site. These signed authorizations are automatically uploaded to the job, ensuring streamlined record-keeping and accessibility.

When to Use Authorizations

Authorizations are used to:

  • Obtain client approval for managing or handling their belongings.
  • Request permission to dispose of non-salvageable items.

This feature allows signatures to be captured directly on a mobile device for convenience and efficiency.

Steps to Obtain Authorization Signatures

  1. Sign in to the ContentsTrack mobile app.
  2. Open the job requiring the authorization.
  3. Tap the three horizontal lines in the top-left corner.
  4. Select Authorizations from the menu.
  5. Use the dropdown menu to choose the appropriate authorization form.
  6. Tap TAP TO SIGN to open the signature screen.
  7. Hand the device to the client to:
    • Input or update their name.
    • Sign the authorization form.
    • Tap the checkmark to save the signature.

Authorization forms must be set up in ContentsTrack Web before they can be signed in the mobile app. Instructions on how to set it up can be found in Company Document Setup.

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