Exporting Inventory and Photos

Torrey Rawlings Updated by Torrey Rawlings

ContentsTrack gives you full control of your data by allowing inventory to be exported as a .CSV file and photos to be downloaded in a ZIP file. This flexibility ensures you can easily transfer information to other software or share it with stakeholders for any purpose.

Exporting a Job’s Inventory to a CSV

Follow these steps to export inventory details from a specific job:

  1. Navigate to the desired job in ContentsTrack.
  2. Go to the Inventory tab.
  3. Click the Download icon in the bottom-right corner.
  4. Select your preferred export format:
    • General: A standard CSV file for general use.
    • XactContents: For manual uploads into XactContents if the integration isn’t being used.
  5. Click Download to save the file.

Exporting Inventory from a Container

You can also export inventory data specific to a container or location for reference.

  1. Navigate to the Containers section.
  2. Click the hyperlink under Number of Items for the container you want to export.
  3. In the inventory view, click the Download icon in the bottom-right corner to save the data.

Exporting Photos

If you need to provide high-resolution images to an adjuster or another stakeholder, you can download photos directly as a ZIP file instead of relying on reports.

  1. Navigate to the desired job in ContentsTrack.
  2. Open the Images section.
  3. Select specific images or click Select All to choose all images.
  4. Click Download to save the photos in a ZIP file.

This seamless export functionality gives you the power to manage and share your data on your terms.

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Generating Reports - Online

Export an inventory to Xactimate and XactContents
