Company Document Setup

ContentsTrack provides customization options for various document types, enabling you to incorporate model statements, authorizations, and signature statements.

With ContentsTrack documents, you can personalize your reports or documents by adding your logo, company-specific model statements, and job-specific authorization and signature statements.

Company Headers

Utilize company headers to showcase your company logo and a brief text excerpt at the beginning of each report and atop authorizations.

To add a company header follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Tools, then select the Documents tab, and within the Company Headers section, click on Add Header.
  2. Input the Name, Company Name, and Info. If you wish to include a logo, you can upload it by selecting choose file.
  3. Once all desired details are entered, click Save.

To edit a company header follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Tools, then select the Documents tab, and within the Company Headers section, click on the header you'd like to edit.
  2. Adjust the Name, Company Name, or Info as needed. If you wish to include or adjust a logo, you can upload it by selecting choose file.
  3. Once all desired details are adjusted, click Save.

To delete a company header follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Tools, then select the Documents tab, and within the Company Headers section, click the check box next to the header you wish to delete.
  2. Click Delete Selected.
  3. Confirm the deletion by selecting OK in the confirmation that appears.

Model Statement

The model statement serves as the introductory statement for a report, appearing beneath the company header, title, and job information.

To add a model statement follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Tools, then select the Documents tab, and within the Model Statements section, click on Add Statement.
  2. Input the name and the model statement in the text box.
  3. Once all desired details are entered, click Save.

To edit a model statement follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Tools, then select the Documents tab, and within the Model Statements section, click on the statement you'd like to edit.
  2. Adjust the name or model statement as needed.
  3. Once all desired details are adjusted, click Save.

To delete a model statement follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Tools, then select the Documents tab, and within the Model Statements section, click the check box next to the statement you wish to delete.
  2. Click Delete Selected.
  3. Confirm the deletion by selecting OK in the confirmation that appears.


Authorizations can be utilized to seek customer permission for managing their belongings or disposing of non-salvageable items. This functionality applies to any document necessitating a signature.

To add a authorization follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Tools, then select the Documents tab, and within the Authorizations section, click on Add Authorization.
  2. Input the name and the authorization in the text box.
  3. Once all desired details are entered, click Save.

To edit a authorization follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Tools, then select the Documents tab, and within the Authorization section, click on the authorization you'd like to edit.
  2. Adjust the name or model statement as needed.
  3. Once all desired details are adjusted, click Save.

To delete a authorization follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Tools, then select the Documents tab, and within the Authorizations section, click the check box next to the authorization you wish to delete.
  2. Click Delete Selected.
  3. Confirm the deletion by selecting OK in the confirmation that appears.

Signature Statements

These statements follow the generation of a report on mobile, providing customers with the opportunity to sign and approve it.

To add a signature statement follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Tools, then select the Documents tab, and within the Signature Statements section, click on Add Statement.
  2. Input the name and the signature statement in the text box.
  3. Once all desired details are entered, click Save.

To edit a signature statement follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Tools, then select the Documents tab, and within the Signature Statements section, click on the statement you'd like to edit.
  2. Adjust the name or signature statement as needed.
  3. Once all desired details are adjusted, click Save.

To delete a signature statement follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Tools, then select the Documents tab, and within the Model Statements section, click the check box next to the statement you wish to delete.
  2. Click Delete Selected.
  3. Confirm the deletion by selecting OK in the confirmation that appears.

How Did We Do?

Adding in Locations / Containers

Adding and Managing Users and Devices
