Job Setup

Creating and Setting up a Job

Jobs serve as the cornerstone of ContentsTrack, constituting the foundation for storing and tracking the inventory of items gathered from your company's assignments. Job Creation and Management. Crea…

Torrey Rawlings
Updated by Torrey Rawlings

Printing Labels for a Job

Printing Labels. To connect your items to the job and streamline tracking the chain of custody, utilize the print IDs feature. You can access this feature through the Print IDs tab within a job. Thes…

Torrey Rawlings
Updated by Torrey Rawlings

Creating Rooms - Online

Room Creation and Management. Rooms can be generated either by mobile users assigned the pack-out task or online. If a room is created online before being distributed to mobile, it will appear in the…

Torrey Rawlings
Updated by Torrey Rawlings

Distributing and Managing Tasks (and Errors)

After creating a job, your next step is to distrbute tasks to your mobile users for the packout and packback process to commence. These tasks will appear in their mobile app, enabling them to either…

Torrey Rawlings
Updated by Torrey Rawlings
