Packouts and Inventory

Item Details

Adding items into ContentsTrack involves a comprehensive process aimed at accurately documenting all details to facilitate job restoration estimation and maintain clear communication with our clients…

Torrey Rawlings
Updated by Torrey Rawlings

Uploading Inventory - Online

ContentsTrack offers various options for inventory uploading, prioritizing ease and efficiency to help users complete tasks quickly while ensuring thorough documentation. Although most users prefer u…

Torrey Rawlings
Updated by Torrey Rawlings

Editing Inventory - Online

Editing Inventory for Packout Tasks. Searching Through Items:. Under Main , click on Jobs. Choose the specific job you wish to add inventory to, then access the Inventory tab. Use the search function…

Torrey Rawlings
Updated by Torrey Rawlings

Reprinting an Item Label

Reprinting Item IDs. If an item or box barcode/QR code is damaged and requires replacement, you can reprint the specific one associated with the item. Within a Job:. Under Main , click on Jobs. Choos…

Torrey Rawlings
Updated by Torrey Rawlings
